Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bleeding Mimosa

I drink more champagne than the average bear, so it is not uncommon for people to ask me for unique cocktail recipes featuring my favorite beverage.  The weird thing is I really don’t have many because I like my champagne straight (sometimes out of the bottle). 

There are rare occasions when I will partake in a Mimosa, but very light on the OJ.   I like to tell the bartender, “Make it the color of sunshine.”

When I started The Champagne Diaries, I thought it might be #totesadorbs to feature fun champagne cocktails from time to time to keep with the theme of the blog.  I have searched high and low and have only located one so far that I would choose over plain bubbly:  The Bleeding Mimosa.  It looks relatively easy and is also pretty.  Bonus points if you find an ice cube tray with fun shapes.

The Recipe:

2 lb blood oranges, juiced


1.       Pour blood orange juice into ice cube trays.

2.       Place in freezer until frozen, at least 6 hours.

3.       Fill champagne flutes with blood orange ice cubes, fill with champagne.

Here’s where I become Negative Nancy.  Although I would absolutely love to encounter this beverage at a brunch or bridal shower someday, the likelihood of me whipping this up in my own kitchen for myself or anyone else is non-existent for the following reasons:

1.        I have no idea what a blood orange is.

2.       If I located the blood orange, I would not make the effort to squeeze it into ice cube trays.

3.       If I had to wait 6 hours for the juice to freeze into cubes, the champagne would be gone by then. 

That being said, there are clearly many  ways to modify this recipe.  You could freeze regular OJ out of the carton or if you’re feeling especially creative, you could make grapefruit juice cubes.

If you do know what a blood orange is, have the patience to squeeze it and wait for it to freeze, I am always available for parties.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Reset Button

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was pray to God.  I asked him to please reset me like one would an iPhone.  Things are out of control and it’s time to start over.  I wish I had a little button somewhere on me that I could hold down for 10 seconds and just reboot.

I’m cranky for several reasons:

1.  Laundry is so much work.  When we got married, Mike and I struck a deal that we would be responsible for our own laundry.  He is much more diligent than I am at this task.  When Dylan came along, I assumed the role of her laundress.  This was not a huge deal until she developed “opinions” about her clothes and will only wear 25% of her wardrobe.  This morning, she came into talk to me as I was getting ready, put her hands on her hips and said, “You think it’s about time you did some laundry?”  Why is my four year old tough talking me about housework?  Who is the mother here?  Why won’t she wear the cute dress with the whale on it?  Why does she want to dress like a character out of Monster High?  Is she going to be Goth?


2.        I’m living out of a suitcase.  I really need to get better at this travel thing.  My goal is to have little pouches of necessities that are pre-packed and restocked when supplies are low.  I’m talking about toiletries, Advil, Tums, iPhone charger and granola bars.  What I have is a green North Face backpack with headphones and an old Chapstick.  Each time I pack, I have to put so much effort into trying to remember all of these little things.  I’m constantly laying in a random hotel room with heartburn and no relief; worrying about whether or not my phone has enough battery to last me through the night so I can make it to the store to buy yet another charger to add to my collection.


3.       WTF did summer go?  Did I miss something?  I don’t have a summer glow and I didn’t eat nearly enough watermelon.  My beach vacation seems like it was a year ago.  This is definitely all my fault. 


4.       PMS.  Totally beyond my control but a contributing factor.


It has been a rainy Labor Day weekend and we all have a little cabin fever.  Rather than use this time constructively and finish the proposal I need to write for work, I have been drinking champagne and perusing Pinterest for Fall outfit inspiration.  Dylan has busied herself eating popsicles and practicing her letters and Mike has been paddle boarding in the rain.

Even though I’m not going back to school tomorrow, I am hoping to use this change of season as my restart button.  It’s time to stop being such a crab.  There are new clothes to buy, books to read and things to learn.  There are pumpkin patches to visit and Halloween costumes to make.  There are football games to watch and friends to see at tailgate parties.  And of course, there is champagne to drink.

The sun is peeking out from the clouds and we are going to enjoy our last day of summer on the boat.  Tonight I will hit my restart button before I go to bed.  The laundry will remain but my approach will be different.  Dylan’s back to school wardrobe will consist entirely of clothes that are her style, not mine.  When I travel to Philadelphia tomorrow, I will be prepared with snacks and Q-Tips.  And there will be a smile on my face.